Sharks possess the same senses of the man, more other two to us strangers, that are the ability to perceive the electric fields and the waves of pressure spreaded in water.

Taste: the sense of the taste in the sharks is insured from the presence, in the mouth, but also on the surface of their skin, of gustatory papille similar to those human. The shark therefore, can also use this sense with the simple contact of the bodily surface.

Touch: along sharks body there are sensorial cells that are in deep relationship with the gustatory papilles and let the shark realizes when a physical contact happens.

Hearing: in the sharks it is present an inside ear, with the ability to perceive above all sounds of low frequency as those sent forth by wounded animals, and therefore potential preys for this superb animal.

Sense of smell: the sharks nostrils, always well visible on the inferior part of the face, are constituted by two channels to blind fund, at the end there are cells that analyze the presence of fragrant substances dissolved in water. The sensibilitynof the sharks is very developed, it is thought that a shark can individualize 1 part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

Sight: the sight of the sharks, contrarily to the popular thought, is very developed. The pupil can tighten or to widen in base to the light quantity, and in many sharks it is present, behind the retina, the tapetum lucidum, a series of reflecting plates that amplify the light andallow the sight also during the night. Under conditions of strong illumination the tapetum lucidum is darkened, not to dazzle the retina and to also provoke irreversible damages.

Side lines: the side lines, one for every side of the shark, are constituted by sensorial cells that give the ability to perceive the waves of pressure owed to the movements of the water.

Ampullae Lorenzinii: they are of the organs that take contact with the outside through small and numerous holes, present especially in the region of the head, full of a gelatinous conductor substance, in communication with nervous terminations. In this way the shark has the ability to perceive the electric fields produced by the animals (therefore individualize preys under the sand) and probably to recognize their position in comparison to the magnetic earth fiels.